Dinosaurs In Video Games!

Firstly, if you haven't read Noah Drake And The Dragon Killer yet, check it out at https://www.amazon.com/Noah-Drake-Dragon-Killer-Christian/dp/1540358089/ It's a middle grade fiction about dinosaurs, creation science, family and fun! You'll love it!

As you read, it will soon become obvious that Noah Drake loves video games. In book one his favorite game is called Dino Rodeo. Now, there's no such thing as that game in real life. It's made up for the book. It's actually a compilation of different games I've played, or my two sons have played, in the past.

This year I've been writing the sequel, Noah Drake And The Champion Hook. Noah and his brother Nathan are still the same boys they were in book one and they still love playing video games. So I began wondering what other games they might play. In order to go deeper and show their love of all things dinosaur I wondered what other video games have actually been on the market that they might enjoy.

Believe it or not, Wikipedia actually has a page dedicated to this subject titled "Dinosaurs In Video Games". You can find it at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Dinosaurs_in_video_games

There are 108 video games on the list. I had no idea there had been so many crated over the years! You'll see the Flinstones, Fossil Fighters, Carnivores, Combats Of Giants, Jurassic Park, Disney's Dinosaur and a whole lot more. If your kids love dinosaurs, check out this list on Wikipedia and find some old games at a garage sale or on Ebay!

Lastly, I had some fun with some new (to me) video software on this youtube video. You can tell I'm using a green screen. Well, my lighting and background weren't perfect, so it's pretty obvious at times. I know it's not great, but I'm still playing with it. Perhaps I'll get a small studio where I can do a better job in the future!