Several weeks ago my wife found this awesome chart system that could help our kids, and us, use the Bible better. There's tons of books, commentaries and systems to help you learn the Bible. But this one is not a companion book or system. It's something that plugs into your Bible and helps you use it more efficiently. It's called the Child Training Bible.
Have you ever picked up a Bible that had the Chapters marked with special tabs so you could find the books easier. I mean, there's a tab for Genesis, Exodus, and so on, so when the pastor tells you to turn to 1st Ephesians you can look like a pro because your tabs help you find 1st Ephesians super-easily. Well, that's kind of what this chart does, but it does it by subject!
Basically, there's a 6x9" chart that glues into the front of your Bible. It separates different subjects, that your children need to learn, by color. Don't get me wrong, we adults needs to learn these subjects too. But there are time we need to learn about faith, strength, patience, holiness, purity, or wisdom. Our kids will get there, but this system is more of a first step in Bible study. Subjects in the Child Training Bible include Anger, defiance, fear, fighting, jealousy, laziness, lying, tattling, not listening and many other subjects that drive you crazy when your kids do them.
The idea is that the next time little Jimmy throws a fit because he can't go to the pizza party, the one his big Sister gets to go to, you can take Jimmy to the Bible. SImply look up the red section titled Jealousy. Now follow that color to the red tabs behind it. The first red tab leads you to a verse in Exodus chapter 20 where the Bible says "you shall not covet". The next red tab takes you to a verse in Proverbs that says "envy is rottenness to the bones". The next red tab takes you to a verse in Matthew that explains if you first seek the kingdom of God then "all these things shall be added unto you".
Just like a Bible that tabs off the books, the Child Training Bible tabs off subjects. But it doesn't stop there. Now you consult a second color chart that's tucked into your Bible. This chart is meant to help your child grow by asking them questions and leading them in prayer. For example, if Jimmy consistently has a problem with jealousy, you could ask him "Jimmy, are you loving things in this world too much?" Then lead him to Ephesians 2:1-3 to show how his greatest need is really salvation. Then you follow up with a prayer, asking God to help Jimmy seek first the Kingdom of God.
The neat thing is that this all goes into your own Bible. Now I'll admit, I went out and purchased a new Bible to be our Child Training Bible. We have several Bibles at our house, but the only one that fit a 6-inch by 9-inch chart was one that my wife and I didn't want to make our Child's Bible. (It already has a lot of notes and highlights from years of study.) I admit, I did take a tape measure to the store so I could physically measure a 6-inch by 9-inch Bible. I'm goofy like that, but it seems like most Bibles I find are 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches. I wanted to make sure to get the right size.
After you pick out your Bible, you first tape or glue the subject chart into the front of the Bible. Then you have some work to do. Turn on some background noise, like the TV or radio, and get to work adding in your colored tabs. (The chart system doesn't come with tabs. You'll have to get them on your own. We found ours at the dollar tree store.) At each corresponding tab you'll then highlight or underline, in the same color, specific verses for each subject. Get comfortable because it takes some time. But once you're done, you have an awesome resource for your kids!

Mindy at the Child Training Bible is awesome. She allowed us to do a giveaway with her chart system. We're excited because Roberta Harvey entered and won! (Congrats Roberta!) If you're interested in the Child Training Bible, I highly encourage you to check it out at It's only $9 and it's well worth it!
Don't want to go to the store for the extra supplies? Get them on Amazon!
Ben Russell is author of "Noah Drake And The Dragon Killer". He writes Juvenile/Middle Grade Fiction Adventures. He's not a scientist or a doctor of history; he's just a guy that's interested in those subjects. He's very interested in creation. His inner child gets excited about dinosaurs and the idea that they're not millions of years old. He despises the theory of evolution, believing it's a stumbling block to the Christian faith. Ben is a family man. He and his lovely wife have four happy kids and they make their home among the roaming hills of the Missouri Ozarks.