Let Your Kids Share Jesus
Imagine you're standing in line at the grocery store, waiting to check out. Suddenly your child or grandchild turns to talk to the person behind you. Out of the mouths of babes comes an innocent question to a complete stranger. "Do you know Jesus?" A streak runs up the nerves of your back.
Inspiration for Noah Drake And The Dragon Killer
I thought I'd share, on video, my inspiration for the book Noah Drake And The Dragon Killer.
A Break From The Norm - A Book On My Wishlist
A Break From The Norm - A Book On My Wishlist
It never ceases to amaze me that the older I get the more I don't know. For example, today Google posted a doodle celebrating the 37th anniversary of The Never Ending Story. My first thought was "Is that movie really that old? Well, it came out when I was a kid, how old am I?" I eventually realized that the movie was not that old (as old as I am). It's only 22 years old, but it is based on a book that is 37 years old today. (Still younger than me. Ugh.)