
Book Review - Wizard For Hire by Obert Skye

My lovely wife got this audiobook from our local library last spring and popped it into the CD player during a road trip. It was a load of fun. What was more funny is that at the same time I was also listening to a series of sermons from my pastor about wise and foolish people. The main character in "Wizard For Hire" could be considered foolish, but that's because living a normal life didn't seem to work for him. 

His name used to be Brian, but he changed it when he decided to change his life. Now his name is Labyrinth, but you can call him Rin for short. Rin is a wizard for hire. According to my pastor's sermons, he is a complete fool. He doesn't plan ahead or worry about the future. What's worse is that he does a lot of stupid things, however that does make him an awful lot of fun to be around. On the upside, Rin is extremely lucky.

Author Life - Getting Lost In The Plot

Back in the late 1990's, one of my favorite Christian bands was the Newsboys. In case you're not hip on who they are, they're a Christian Rock/Pop group that's still popular in Christian circles today. However their music was a bit different 20 years ago.

On their album, take me to your leader, there was a song at the end called 'Lost The Plot'. I always liked the song but my wife wasn't big on it. Nowadays I understand why. It sounds almost anti-God because the character in the song is lost in the reason why we're here. They yell at God and ask "Are you still listening? (Because we're obviously not.)"

I'm thinking about that song today because that's how writing can be. (No, I'm not yelling at God.) But sometimes you're in the middle of writing a book and everything is going well and you somehow get lost between the middle and the end. You think, wait a minute. How is this thing really going to end? Right now it doesn't make sense, my characters can't do that!

Book Review - Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Last night I stumbled onto the movie trailer for the new Disney movie Artemis fowl. Now if my guess is correct, there's a good chance you have not heard about Artemis fowl. Because honestly, nobody I talk to knows about him. But I stumbled onto this book series more than a decade ago when I was delivering pizzas. I used to listen to audiobooks in my car and I enjoyed fiction books from the youth section because they were clean and easy. Artemis Fowl fits this listening habit and there are eight books in the series!

The Artemis Fowl 8 Book Series

My entire family loves the Artemis Fowl series and we're so excited that Disney is creating a movie from the first book! There's lots of potential with this series! I just hope Disney does a good job keeping true to the story.

So let's review the story of Artemis fowl.

Blog - God called us to be fruitful


When I wrote the first book in the Noah Drake middle grade series, I felt I was being led by the Lord to do it. I had never written a book before, so being an author was totally new to me.  But inspiration came because I was at a vulnerable crossroads in life.  

My wife and I were actively searching my life's direction and we turned to an amazing man of God, an author named Dan Miller. His resources caused us to consider work as an author and speaker. But what would I write and talk about?

Book Review - Raising Dragons by Bryan Davis

Raising Dragons Graphic NovelMy family and I stumbled onto another hit series that you really should check out! No, we didn't binge watch Netflix all weekend. Instead, we enjoyed another audio book during a long drive to a vacation destination. I'm talking about Raising Dragons, book #1 in the 'Dragons In Our Midst' series by author Bryan Davis.

Firstly, let me tell you how I stumbled onto this series. This book was not in any current top ten list that I found online. When looking for Christian books to read I sometimes surf through Amazon's top 100 middle grade list. I didn't find it in the top 100 list either. (Although I believe it is about number 99 when I directly look in its category.) In hindsight, it's a bit surprising that I didn't find this book through my regular searches. The series has quite a following, which I'll talk about in a minute.

I found Raising Dragons while searching for an audio book; particularly a Christian, Middle Grade audio book from Audible. You see, I'm an avid audio book listener because of my commute to work. I have a fair amount of time available to consume audio books. So one day, I found Raising Dragons while searching Audible.

Our Trip To Kent Hovind's Dinosaur Adventure Land

My family and I recently enjoyed a short camping trip on the beaches near Destin Florida. During our break, we visited one of my favorite Biblical Creation teachers, Dr. Kent Hovind, at his Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox Alabama. That's about an hour north of Pensacola Florida.   

Dr. Hovind is an amazing resource for Biblical Creation study because much of his stuff is available online for free.  Years ago he would sell copies of his Creation seminar, but promote that copies could be made to be freely shared with friends and families. People shared it everywhere. 


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Ben Russell

Ben Russell

I write Juvenile/Middle Grade Fiction Adventures. I'm an Author, Family Man and a Christian. I get excited about dinosaurs and the idea that they didn't evolve and then die millions of years ago.
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