I was so excited to realize the potential of "Spirit Fighter", book #1 in Jerel Law's "Son of Angels, Jonah Stone Series". It is truly a gem and I highly recommend it!
January 2019 Super Blood MoonMy family and I stayed up late Sunday night (January 20th 2019.) You may remember it as the night that the Patriots stole the Superbowl from the Chiefs. I remember it as the night that we all got to enjoy a super lunar eclipse.
Everybody is familiar with C.S. Lewis's series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Most have seen the movies. Some have read the entire series.
Others, like myself, love the series so much that they own all the movies, the books and even the audiobooks. I admit it, I love the Chronicles Of Narnia. But even I had never read his cosmic trilogy about space exploration. That is, until recently.
If you like Kingdom's Dawn, the first book from the kingdom of Arrethtrae, then you'll definitely enjoy Kingdom's Hope. Chuck Black's second book continues an excellent story that still mirrors Bible history. What I like so much about this series is the author's overall reminder of why we're all here, why we exist.
My oldest son started a new curriculum this year and one of the books that he's supposed to read is The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. Being the fun Dad that I am, I thought it would be cool for the whole family to enjoy this book together. I got the audiobook from Audible and we all listened to it in the car during a family trip.
I sure hope you're enjoying your summer! We have been to Gramee's pool as much as possible and I'm doing my best to not work outside too much. (I'm so sorry if you have to work in this heat and humidity. If so, please enjoy your local pool!)
During my last email I mentioned that I was participating in a couple of summer book giveaways during July and August. Well, the giveaways are officially open! So, this email is packed with some great links to feed your summer reading habits! Plus, a little extra that my family and I put together.

Please download this activity set and let me know what you think! http://eepurl.com/dBuLcD

I have teamed up with a number of independent authors in this "Big Summer Holiday" Giveaway for children. There are lots of great reads here for kids of all ages, and best of all these books are all FREE! Grab some good looking downloads and kick back at the pool!
There's a total of 50 FREE books you can download! Plus the free Noah Drake And The Dragon Activity Set! Grab some freebies and enjoy!
Ben Russell